You are an Integral Part of the Whole ~ A Message From Fogocito River, San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

This is the first of many channeled messages from the water. This message is from the Fogocito River in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico.

I asked “What do you want the world to know?”

I want all to know that we have been polluted and tainted, but we remain a vibrant life force.There is infinite possibilities within this River for all that seek answers within. For only the truth can be found within right now. The Earth is undergoing extreme change and transformation. It is up to humanity to wake up andd create a new relationship with nature. 

Instead of seeing nature as a resource to exploit or a beautiful scene to photograph, please see nature as a living consciousness here to teach and share the lessons she carries from millions of years of life on Earth. The waters hold messages from ancient times back to the Ice Age, from planets in many Galaxies, as well as local messages about the energy and intentions of all in your community. 

As each waterway is a collective of similar energy, so is each earth community. Each micro-collective is part of a larger whole. These collectives come together as a powerful global community. It is our hope and intention to share the importance of each person’s thoughts, choices and actions. 

As each waterway is a collective of small drops of water, humanity is a collective of individuals. 

You may feel as insignificant as one drop of water, but we assure you that the quality and intention of each drop contributes to the quality and intention of the whole. 

Go within to seek the truth. Your body of water will show you the way!