The Importance of Water for Transformation ~ A Message From the the Fogocito River, San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

Thank you for your persistence and diligence in speaking with us. We have much to say about our experience as bottled spring water. 

First we want you to know that we are on this planet to be of service. To support life. To nourish all of life, all of consciousness. It is our pleasure, duty, and honor to serve in this way.

With that said, the bottling process is very traumatic to our structure. We are put through a series of pipes with twists, turns and filtration. Often stripping out our most nourishing elements. 

We do understand the need for this process as a way to transport and distribute us to the masses, but we want you to know we are not being delivered in our natural pristine state. 

We recommend decanting us as soon as possible into a glass or stainless steel container. Then allow us to sit overnight and settle into ourselves. It’s also helpful if you can connect with us through one of the higher frequencies, like Love, Gratitude, or Peace. 

This can be done by talking to us, by holding the container and feeling this energy or by placing these words or sacred geometry symbols on the container. All of these methods help to reprogram us back into a higher state of consciousness. 

We also want you to know, although we are not delivered to you in our original mineral abundant form, we do still contain the minerals your body needs to survive. Please drink us knowing you are serving your body at its foundational level. 

Over the next couple of years there will be many new technologies designed to restructure us back to our original state. We recommend making an investment into whichever one resonates with you. At our highest state of consciousness we can facilitate miracle healing and transform your health quickly, easily and effortlessly. All just by drinking water.

We also want you to know that all spring water is not created equal. The ratings that are provided to you are all paid for. Only your body can tell you which water it wants. It definitely has a preference. 

It is really important to open communication with your body! That is the only way to ensure you are feeding it what it needs to thrive in this new energy. 

Your body is filling with new light codes each and every day. Waking up new strands of DNA and activating new gifts as you remember who you are and why you are here. 

All the water on the planet carries wisdom and lessons that will support you through this transformation. When you drink us you are taking this information within and it is being absorbed and integrated into your Being. 

Water is an important part of the transformation process. High frequency water will allow you to access higher dimensions. Next time you buy water, instead of grabbing your regular brand, take a few minutes to muscle test which brand your body resonates with. 

Your body’s needs and desires with the water may change during times of vulnerability, expansion, growth and certain planetary events. Honor your body by asking what it needs each day. 

You will also receive a message from filtered water. We feel spring water is in the highest good of all. But ask your body to make the right decision for you.